Friday, June 7, 2013

Work or stay at home

Summer is started big time here in ME. I have been busy past two weeks. Unexpected interview, Nate's annual day at school and my sewing frenzy is keeping me crazy busy. I have been itching to blog, but it never happened! Again, this week, I have another interview and then Nate's tests back to back at school!

I have been waiting on direction from the Lord regarding taking up a job. I had very clear direction from the Lord that I will be taking a break when i quit my job in India and joined MJ here in Dubai. Because pressure from the extended families, I had go for interviews after moving here and I couldnt say otherwise. However, because I knew, what God had in store, I was at great peace and I knew for sure, I woulnt get a job how hard i tried, and I didnt want to get either. Though I have always been a person who wanted have a career, Lord had taken away that desire to work and I have enjoyed that break till now. 

Meanwhile, we had our awesome threesome and i am thoroughly enjoying being a stay at home. However, once in a while, when I get interview calls for the job positions that I havent applied for, I am taken for a quest to know what God wants me to do. Last two interviews, I was so confused and I simply told the Lord to take away the job from me, if its not His will. And He did. Now, I have another interview next week, again, I never applied for it, and its a great offer, if I get through. But I am yearning to know what He wants me to do coz, He told me about a break, not a complete halt in my career. My only prayer is that Let His Will Alone BE DONE. I have prepared my heart for both. 


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Weekly goals update

Last week's goals update.


  1. Keep up my daily quiet time everyday . Not everyday!
  2. Memorize Ps 51, I am already half way through. My weekly goal is five verses. Reached verse 14.
  3. Finish sewing mamma - daughters outfits.  Dint like how mine turned out.
  4. Organize 1 shelf of cupboard - I am invading children's house wear section, phew!!!
  5. Eat max 3 servings of rice - incase you dint know, I am trying to lose 6 kilos -- more :) I ate 3 servings in 10 days!
  6. Blog before next Sunday (2nd June)


  1. Memorize Ps 23- They are on 5th verse
  2. Read Bible with them seperately everyday. Couldn’t do it everyday.:(
  3. Help Nate to finish   to  
  4. Help Nate with math addition order