Thursday, May 30, 2013

Operate in love challenge - update

I am real late on the Operate in Love challenge update! Partly coz I couldn’t do justice to it completely! I did blow up twice, the sad thing is, while I was screaming, inside of me, there was a sweet little voice saying, listen here! Obviously, I dint listen! But I think it was far better than some days! 

Weekend is here in Dubai, church on Thursday eve, Friday at home, Saturday with kiddos, and on Sunday I will be back on the challenge again. No, its not a weekend off on the challenge, its coz, I am super nice to my children when MJ is around. Thats why he always tells me, "I think you are always good with the kiddos". My accountability to God, always makes me confess to MJ, that I am not that good as he thinks. 

Readers, in ME, happy weekend and stay hydrated, peek temp today was 40 degrees, well in Celsius. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Challenge - Operate in Love

I am a yeller! Yes, you read that right! I can really lose it sometimes! Having three under 6 make me go zombie some days! Some days are real bad and some days are good, I mean real good. At the end of the day, when I 'narrate' my whole day to my husband MJ, some days, he wonders if its the same kids I am talking about. Today happened to be one of those good days! So I sat down to check, why some days are better than others. I think it mostly depended on me, my mood, my attitude, my energy level, the mess around etc. sadly, I could take control of all these and make sure that things are under the banner of love. 

I like challenges and I am a big time result oriented person. So I am taking up a challenge. This challenge is same as no yelling challenge here and here. As much as I would like to say STOP YELLING, I am just like my kiddos who dont like much of 'no'. I phrase everything in this house with no no's. It just works better in this house, and I guess in the habit of saying like that, I like to hear it also that way. 

I am planning to take one day at a time and take up this challenge for 24 hours - easy, peasy!! huh! If you have been to our house as a invisible guest, you will know its a mountain task! So, first things first, I wrote down a declaration for me and my kiddos, took almost all the scripture from, I think, Katie's ( though I cant find it anymore).

  1. Declare the word over myself and children.
  2. I have identified the time I yell more, which is when I sit with Nate to revise. So I am gonna be cautious there and keep saying the word 'Love'
  3. I have broken down our revision time to little chunks, so I am hoping it will be easy on both of us.
  4. Also, eat well, drink water, exercise and keep the house clean before I sit with him.

Wish me good.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New thing!

I love new things! anything for that matter. I have tried blogging in the past, and lost interest on the way. You see, I have that problem of consistency. So this is a challenge for me to be more consistent and disciplined, not only in blogging, in so many other areas. I am planning to blog about things I like, want to pursue or even things I admire from far.

I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, wife to a man of little words, mother to three under 6, Nathanael, Christelle and Mikelle.  I love organizing, sewing, crafts. I am a list person, and nothing moves without a to do list ;).

The best way to kick off, I thought, is  with weekly goals. My week starts with Sunday because I live ME:)

I am posting early for my week 4, May
  1. Keep up my daily quiet time everyday 
  2. Memorize Ps 51, I am already half way through. My weekly goal is five verses.
  3. Finish sewing mamma - daughters outfits.
  4. Organize 1 shelf of cupboard - I am invading children's house wear section, phew!!!
  5. Eat max 3 servings of rice - incase you dint know, I am trying to lose 6 kilos -- more :)
  6. Blog before next Sunday (2nd June)
  1. Memorize Ps 23- They are on 5th verse
  2. Read Bible with them seperately everyday
  3. Help Nate to finish ट  to न 
  4. Help Nate with math addition order